This project has been Funded by the Leeds Humanities Research Institute (University of Leeds) and by a British Academy Quantitative Skills Acquisition Award.
Collaborators: Dr. Ekaterini Klepousniotou (IPS, U of Leeds) and Prof. Harald Baayen (U of Tuebingen, Germany)
Occasional research Assistants: Natasha Rust, Raphael Morschett, Chris Norton, Kremena Koleva
Outputs to date:
- De Cat, C. and Klepousniotou, E. (2012) Residual indeterminacy in a core grammar phenomenon: evidence from the processing of Noun-Noun compounds. Poster presented at GALANA (Kansas, October 2012). (pdf)
- De Cat, C., Klepousniotou, E. & Baayen, R. H. (2014). Electrophysiological correlates of noun-noun compound processing by non-native speakers of English. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Stroudsburg, PA: ACL. (pdf)
- De Cat C, Klepousniotou E and Baayen H (2015). Representational deficit or processing effect? An electrophysiological study of noun-noun compound processing by very advanced L2 speakers of English. Frontiers in Psychology. 6:77. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00077
- Baayen, R. H., van Rij, J., De Cat, C. & Wood, S. (2017). Autocorrelated errors in experimental data in the language sciences: Some solutions offered by Generalized Additive Mixed Models. In Speelman, D., Heylen, K., and Geeraerts, D. (Eds.) Mixed Effects Regression Models in Linguistics. Berlin, Springer. arXiv 1601.02043 [stat.AP]
- GALANA 2012
- CoLing 2014 (First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Compound Analysis)
- EuroSLA 2014