16 November 2020

Quantifying bilingual experience: the state of the art

As part of the Q-BEx project we have produced a review of the state-of-the-art in bilingual experience questionnaires.  It is now available as a preprint:

Kašćelan, D., Prevost, P., Serratrice, L., Tuller, L., Unsworth, S., & De Cat, C. (2020). A Review of questionnaires quantifying bilingual experience in children: Do we document the same constructs? Available from the OSF: 10.31219/osf.io/w4kef  

Highlights from the paper:

  • We review 48 questionnaires quantifying bilingualism in children
  • 32 constructs and 194 components across tools are identified. We report how frequently they are documented across questionnaires.
  • The review reveals low comparability in several estimates (e.g., exposure and use).
  • We argue for greater transparency and comparability of bilingualism measures